Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mission accepted: Save the banana slug!

My friend Victoria and I are on a mission. Ridding the town of the invasive European black slug Arion ater. 

Like any invasive species, the black slug takes over the habitat of the native banana slug. We are both very much in favor of not having these slugs get any closer to town than they are already. Currently they reside only at the end of Halibut Point Road, seven miles away from town. They seem to be confined to the Starrigavin camping area and Mosquito Cove trail. 

Below are photos of the native banana slug and the invasive European black slug.

We have been picking up the slugs mainly at the walk in camp sites. It has been three weeks and we have killed about 550 slugs. We only go hunting on our Saturday morning walks. It drives the dogs crazy, but how can we just walk past these critters that don't belong here? Sure, it's not the slug's fault, but if you have ever seen what can happen to the native animals when invasive species take over you should visit or read about the native bird species in Hawaii. Besides all of the introduced bird species on the islands, the feral cats and the mongoose have pushed all of the native species close to extinction. We don't want that to happen to the banana slugs, so we must take action!

Each week we take a photo of our gathering and then dump the black slugs into the salty ocean! If only there were something in Sitka that would eat the slugs!

Week 1: About 130 black slugs

Week 2: About 235 black slugs

Week 3: 200 black slugs

We will keep on collecting, but if you happen to be out in the campgrounds and see some black slugs please squish them or collect them and dump them in the salt water! SAVE THOSE BANANA SLUGS!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wishing for Spring...or something like it! 

There was snow in the mountains this past week. It's MAY for goodness sake!

My body is confused. I am supposed to have more energy. I am supposed to be enjoying the long hours of sunlight. All I want to do is sleep. It's terrible. This winter just doesn't want to let go and I am not liking it. We had a gorgeous month of April. I was really excited for summer. Now, I want to hibernate.

Oh dear Spring, get here soon. I might have to take a vacation to the warm sunshine of Arizona!