Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Day, Sad Day

So, would you like the happy news first or the sad news?

Let's start with the happy! The QUAIL are gone! Did you hear, THE QUAIL ARE GONE! I didn't even take any more pictures of them. They were stinky and jumpy and they were making a huge mess in my spare room. To tell the truth, I was pretty tired of them. They were so crazy, it was hard to even change the water in the cage without someone escaping. Oh well, lesson learned. No more quail for me!

The sad news? It's the end of the Olympics. :( So sad. I love watching the Olympics. I always think that I enjoy the winter games better than the summer, but then the summer games come around and I watch every night...well, practically every night! It also means the end of my TV watching days. It's O.K. I will survive. Hopefully I will take more pictures and write more blogs! We'll see! I have been digging into my family roots and creating an ever growing family tree. It's getting kind of big! In fact, I met a distant relative of mine who lives in Sweden. He has also been working on the family on his end. This could get a little a good way!

1 comment:

hxriley said...

FINALLY...i've been wondering about those quails!!! and, i agree....i wish the olympics were still on...i've decided the olympics are the ONLY reason anyone should have a tv.....