Friday, July 17, 2009

The cutest thing you've ever seen!

I have been meaning to post photos of my new kitten for a while now, I have just been so busy I keep forgetting to do it! So, here he is...Bisbee Marie!

He was born a poor boy with 4 other siblings, all fighting for the same nipples. His mommy was a shelter cat, only about a year old herself. She came in to the shelter in February. I seem to have a strange knack for finding pregnant kitties. Just about a year before this, there was another cat at the shelter that I went in to pet and thought she was pregnant. Well, turns out she was. It then turned into "Kittygate 2008". Let's just say, the cat disappeared from the shelter and the police were involved. That is all I am going to say about that!

Bisbee's mom turned out to be a step-sister to the mommy from the previous year! What can I say, we live in a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows all the cats and dogs! So...Bisbee and his brother and 3 sisters were born on April Fool's Day. Perfect! He is quite a terror, and picks on every other member of the family!

He is Nimmy's best buddy, he is very curious about my dog Tex, and he is hated by Beanie. It has been about a month and a half and Beanie still wants to kill him everytime he gets close to her. I have a lovely scratch across my chin to show for all the hatred. Someday she may learn to love him, but I won't hold my breath.

Check out the big feet! My friend Victoria thinks he is going to end up being a big boy. Let's just hope he is big, but thin. Not big and chubby like his buddy Mr. Nimmy. Hey, we can't all be perfect! I am sure there will be a lot more Bisbee adventures to come. OH, I forgot. His name. I know you are thinking...Bisbee Marie, what kind of a name is that for a boy kitty? He is named after Bisbee, Arizona. Bisbee was a copper mining town, and he is a pretty coppery orange color. Marie comes from my mother. She passed away right before I brought him home. As with most kids, he only gets the full name when he is a bad boy. Most of the time he gets called Busy Boy, and he really is just that, a very busy boy!

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