Thursday, July 24, 2008

Okay, this is me! I like this picture, the only part I don't like is that piece of hair hanging in the middle of my forehead! I need to photoshop that out!

So, today I thought I would just add a few pictures of things, people, and pets that I like. Also maybe some places I have enjoyed.

Today was a long day! The researchers came back from sea today, I now have a baby Steller's Jay to take care of, and I know it's gonna be a long, long weekend. Hopefully, the weather will be good this weekend and I can take the dogs out to run and get this house cleaned! I think I say that every weekend. Who knows, maybe this will be the weekend that it really happens! We'll see! Enjoy the pictures for now!

This is a picture of me when I was about 8 or 9. This is at White Lake in Montello, Wisconsin. I learned to swim there, before I learned to walk, and I LOVED that swimming suit! This lake, in this town, one of my favorite places!

Courtney and I at The Grand Canyon, June 2008. What a cool place to go! There is so much to learn there. I picked this photo, not because I loved the GC, but because it was such a fun trip, just Courtney and I getting to drive around and listen to music.

So, this is what I do for a living. I match photos of humpback whale flukes to a catalog of hundreds of whale fluke that my boss has taken over the last 30 years. This is Southeast Alaska whale number 1718. It is also one of my favorite whales. It has been photographed in both Sitka Sound and up near Kodiak Island.

This is my baby! His name is Tex and he is a border collie shepard mix. He is about 5 years old and I got him from a rescue in Seattle when he was about a year and a half old. He gets to come to work with me every day. Let's just say he is a little spoiled. He has to be everywhere that I am and about the only time he leaves me is when he gets the chance to go down to the river and play with his favorite!

This is a picture taken by some folks that live in Sitka. This is a partial albino bald eagle. We have been seeing this bird since it was a 2nd year bird. It takes bald eagles 5 years to get their white head and white tail. So in this picture, taken summer 2008, he is 5. He has about 5 white primary wing feathers, white spots on his shoulder and a trail of white feathers down his belly. He also had white talons. He has been photographed in Haines, Alaska during the Bald Eagle Festival in November, but seems to spend his summers in Sitka. They have named him White Wing.

I'm going to call that good for today. I will add more in the following weeks!


1 comment:

hxriley said...

the pics are all great....i think it's the best that you remember that bathing suit! cute!