Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This one will be short...since I am a little perturbed at dogs today. There must be something in the air since no one seems to want to listen today! Very frustrating!

I am thinking that I need to download some more music. I love music. I just don't know what we would do without it. I have a whole list of songs, I just don't seem to take the time to do it. I have discovered this game on Yahoo games...and I just can't seem to stop playing it! It's worse than the TV!

Not sure I mentioned in the last posting that I am getting rid of my cable. I am pretty excited about it. I am going to keep it until the Olympics are through, and then it's gone! I can't wait to see what I can get done. I won't have that damn box to distract me. Well, it's lunch time, and I am starving. I promise to get some photos up tonight.


hxriley said...

I know the PERFECT SONG to listen to....Copacabana!!!! ahhhh, the days in sunny warm, southeast AK

Jen said...

Too funny! I actually thought about downloading that song at one point. I will forever think of that trip every time I hear that song! Since it's the ONLY thing we had to listen to!