Friday, May 15, 2015

Adak, Alaska...Middle of Nowhere

We made it to ADAK!!

I forgot a download cord, so I can't download the photos from my point and shoot camera, but this place is amazing! No trees, tons of birds! We have only been here for one afternoon and I already have 3.5 new species! Yes, I get a half a point for the common green-winged teal...

The other 3 new birds are rock ptarmigan, hawfinch (OMG!) and SMEW (OMFG!!)

There is one other couple here specifically to bird. They are from Pennsylvania and have been to Adak numerous times. They were very gracious to show us around some of the better birding spots and give us some pointers. Not to shabby for a first day of birding.

Here are some photos of the birds. More tomorrow when I catch up on my sleep!

Coolest bird so far! Hawfinch! Also, the first bird we saw and the photo does not even come close to capturing the beauty of this not so little bird!


Hawfinch, rare visitor from Europe!

Best photo I have of a far!

Rock ptarmigan. They are everywhere, so I am sure that there will be more photos to come!

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