Sunday, May 17, 2015

Anarchy on the road!

Adak is an amazing place! The birds and scenery are tough to beat. The rules of the road do not apply! I think in times past they did, but now-a-days you don't have to stop at the stop signs, nobody cares if you don't wear your seat belt, you can drive the wrong way on a one way street and who needs to carry their drivers license around? Heck some cars don't even have license plates!

Our fellow bird watcher's license plate!
Buckle up for safety!
We have a very special vehicle. It is doing great getting us where we want to go, but nothing seems to work right on it. No where on the dash is anything to indicate what gear you are in, it only has one working headlight, the odometer seems to think we are going between 90-140 mph...even when sitting still! It has been an adventure! We have been having a blast! 

Going the wrong way...
We were flying down the road!!
We had a very windy day, only saw a few new birds, sandhill crane and ancient murrelet, but it was still so much fun driving around and exploring. We went on a great hike to a lake. It was a bit muddy and slippery, but we all make it just fine. The creek draining the lake was so beautiful and the light here is amazing! Victoria and I even went exploring in an old building that must have been used as some sort of rec center at one time. 

Abandoned building full of old army stretchers.

This place is surreal.
Victoria and Kitty heading up to the lake!

Kitty walking a trail near the White Alice site.

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