Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New to me

A good friend of mine just sent me her blog. It looked very cool and I thought I would give it a try. Not sure how long this will last...and I will try to keep things light instead of filling it with complaints and stuff that bugs me!
To start, here is a little more information about me. I live in Sitka, Alaska where I have been since the summer of 1995. I came up here from Wisconsin/Illinois for a summer job, and just got stuck. I love it here, although it's not always easy living on an island in southeastern Alaska. It is expensive to live here, and very far away from friends and family. Sometimes that is good, sometimes it's not. I am recently divorced and just bought a trailer that I live in with my 2 cats and 1 crazy border collie. They keep me very busy! OH, also there are 10 baby California quail living in my spare bedroom. I decided I wanted to hatch some eggs, so I did. Now I have 10 baby quail that are starting to get to big for their small cage!
I have 2 amazing jobs, that I love. The "day" job is at the University of Alaska Southeast as a research assistant for a humpback whale biologist. It is such a fun job. I do a lot of computer work, but there are times when I get to go out in the field and collect data about the whales. I have seen some incredible things on the water and I really love being around the whales. The "night" job is as a wildlife rehabilitator at the Alaska Raptor Center. I fix injured birds, mostly bald eagles, and get them back to the wild where they belong. We have a really great facility and get birds from all over southeastern Alaska and sometimes from the interior of Alaska. I will try to post some pictures of whales and birds soon.
I also am a crazy birdwatcher. I travel to see birds. I mean, isn't that the only reason you would go some place? I have only been to one place outside of the US, but that place was AMAZING. Costa Rica. Everyone who enjoys nature should go there...really. You won't be disappointed. A few other places that I really enjoyed were Nome, Alaska, Southeast Arizona, Southern Utah and the Grand Canyon (one word, CONDORS), and Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Eastern Oregon. Oh, and then there is Hawaii! Can't believe that I forgot Hawaii. I write more about all this later, and post some pictures.

For now, have a great day!


1 comment:

hxriley said...

Whales by day.....eagles by night....that should have been your title :) i love your blog!